Popular Domain Names for Sale List


phonepuzzles.com – Great keyword rich domain name to promote your phone apps. $1999  no website – For Sale through Namesilo

tekniaxp.us – $999 – aged 10 year+ website included

tekniamicro.us – $1999 no website – For Sale through Namesilo

verifyyourtrust.com – Vanity Domain Name for patriots! – $1999 – aged 10 year+ website included

mustsuck2beyou.com – fun spoofs with supporting website and 2 supporting domains for spoofs.


VixenNews.com – A Viable conservative news website – Compete with Fox News – Patriot website – aged 10 year+ $3M
See description to the right!

VixenNews.com  Price $3,000,000

GoDaddy Estimated Value: $1,535 Whoa!

Bummer GoDaddy has no idea how this domain name would compete against or compliment Fox News. Bummer if someone buys it first. Want it? Want a finder's fee? Contact us!

Why this is valuable There are no direct conservative competitors to Fox!

Trump Allies Explore Buyout of Conservative Channel Seeking to Compete With Fox News
Hicks Equity Partners, a firm tied to Republican National Committee co-chair Thomas Hicks Jr., is pitching GOP donors on buyout of One America News Network

VixenNews.com is the Perfect Competitor to Fox News

  • A vixen is a "smarter fox"
  • Vixen news could be edgier
  • Counter attack with "REAL" facts to snuff out liberal lies.
  • Surround a really smart, conservative female anchor like Kellyanne Conway with Trump base news anchors and slay the world with 24/7/365 Trump news.
  • You're Welcome! 
    • Kellyanne Conway
      Counselor to the President
      Kellyanne Elizabeth Conway is an American pollster, political consultant and pundit who serves as counselor to the president in the administration of U.S. president Donald Trump.

No comparable domain names have been sold:

  • Vixen is the Only viable alternative with overwhelming brand power that will go viral in a wink.

  • Valuable keyword: news is a high value keyword.

  • Popular keyword: news is a widely used keyword.

  • Memorable: vixennews.com is easy to remember and instantly memorable.

phonepuzzles.com      Price $1300

 Estimated Value: $999 

Godaddy Domain Appraisal for phonepuzzles.com


Why this is valuable? Do you have several phone puzzle apps that need a home?  phonepuzzles.com can help!

  • Comparable domains sold:
    phoneglasses.com $1,300
    phoneclip.com $977
    phoneportals.com $1,000
  • Valuable keyword: phone is a high value keyword that has an average sale price of $2995.

  • Popular keyword: phone is a widely used keyword.

  • Memorable: phonepuzzles.com is easy to remember.

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